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Credits / Danksagung

1) Vielen Dank an den tollen Ralf Schmitzer von Noun Projekt für die Icons-Kollektion This is Germany, die sich im Footer befinden! Thank you, Ralf Schmitzer, for the great icon collection from Noun Projekt that you can find in the footer!

2) Film tape icon - crated by Nikita Kozin from Noun Projekt

3) Stethoscope icon - created by David from Noun Project

4) Music notes icon - created by Randomhero from Noun Project

5) Theater masks icon - created by David Lopez from Noun Project

6) Home page picture with candle - Photo by Crew in Unsplash 

7) Guy working on a laptop icon - created by Oksana Latysheva from Noun Project

8) Sneezing guy clipart - created by j4p4n from openclipart.org

9) Thief/Burglar clipart - created by Firkin from openklipart.org

Copyright © 2018 Dejan Đukić (dafomania.com)

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